Arlette Resendiz,


Could you tell us about how you started in the gaming industry and your journey to Wargaming?  

Played since I was little. My dad bought an NES back when I used to live in Mexico City. Getting a NES back then was hard and very expensive.  I would play the console until I gave myself a fever quite a few times at the age of 6 :P My mom would get mad hahaha!

There are no game studios in Mexico so when we moved to the US, I saw a window of opportunity to somehow achieve my goals and dreams. I began to research departments of interest and then move in to work for a game developer within the community discipline.  I worked my way from the ground up with no experience but eager to work hard and learn.  Game companies that nurture and take care of their community of gamers are the companies video game players should support! I like to engage with the fans and let them know the company cares about their opinions and what they have to say!

Who is an inspiration that helps guide your work (either in or outside the gaming industry)?

People that inspire me would be my mother and my 2 sisters.  I come from a family of strong independent women. They taught me that if I want something in life I have to be positive, honest and work hard for it. If I fail, then I have to work twice as hard until I succeed.  They are my inspiration.  People that guide me? Everyone at Wargaming Chicago Baltimore.  I know I don’t know everything. It would be crazy if I did. I learn something new from my coworkers every day.

What is your current gaming set-up like (and some of your favorite games)? 

Very clean and organized. I have to make sure my babies are in perfect order specially when I have 2 cats. THERE IS FUR EVERYWHERE!! My original NES still works. The trick is to clean them from dust every month.

Favorite games: Anything with pirates, cat and robots.  Any Megaman game from any series (except Megaman X7 and X8... those never happen), Mario RPG, Black Flag, Minecraft, Titan Quest, LUMINES, any The Legend Zelda game, Loco Roco, DuckTales, Journey, All Metal Gear games, Marvel VS Capcom 2, Borderlands, HALO, World of Tanks XBOX 360 (wink), all Kirby games (Prince Fluff for president), Animal Crossing, Professor Layton, Star Fox, and Kid Icarus Uprising.

Mega Man

What excites and/or worries you about the current gaming landscape? 

Games that are smart and innovating. I look forward to any game that brings new perspectives and innovative experiences.

What is a game or piece of game-related that you’re most excited for in the next few years to see and utilize?

I’m really not sure. We already know any console and hand-held system can make a game look amazing. Since most games are visually pleasing, we are now looking for quality gaming. Original game mechanics and interesting concepts are the tools that will drive the industry.  What’s the point of playing a game that looks stunning if it’s going to be boring as hell.  We need games that innovate, stimulate and will maintain player’s retention.

What has been one of your favorite moments so far working in gaming? 

My favorite moment is when I go to work! Also, some of my favorite moments are when I fail. I learn from my failures which only make me smarter. I fail, every day, all the time :P  Similar to a video game, you fail once and then you know what to do on your next try! I am very fortunate. 

Any helpful tips for those aspiring to be in the gaming industry? 

To all video game players: Work hard, be generous, and dream big because dreams DO come true.

Is there any website/Twitter that anyone interested can follow you at? 



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